
During the first half of the 20th Century, Cyprus experienced the “gift” of industrialisation, which meant that many traditional aspects of life started to change. For example, transportation and basic agricultural tasks changed dramatically as people started to use machines instead of animals. This change was most often seen in the towns first, and only slowly spread into rural areas. Therefore, even as late as the 1980s-early 1990s, some traditions and “old ways of doing things” were still alive and could be observed in the villages. True, towards the end of the century traditional life and culture in Cyprus were on their way out and experiencing their “swan song moments”, but some of us were lucky to be around with a camera and we were able to record various practices which today are rarely if ever observed. This “window into Cyprus” allows us to share some nostalgic images, as we look back with respect and affection at the Cyprus that used to be…
