Cyprus Exploration Unlimited
Reaching parts of Cyprus that other excursions cannot
Life’s a Beach
Let’s Rock
The Best of the West
The Seven Wonders of Cyprus
The ‘High Five’
Animal Instinct
Flower Power
Stories from the field
The Avgas (“Avagas”) Gorge
Emily and Lyra enjoy a educational trip across Paphos
There’s a sheep in that hole!
Mud and Water
Hidden Canyons, Secret Places
Close Encounters of the Four-legged Kind
Windows into Cyprus
Cyprus: Before and After
Great Moments in Cypriot Archaeology
Significant Moments in the Landscapes of Cyprus
Kalavasos Korner
Off-Beat Cyprus
Our Philosophy & how we Operate
Meet David, your Archaeologist and Cyprus-loving guide
Planning your Experience
Traditional Threshing and Threshing Sledges
Coming soon, under construction…